Please scroll down to view our PAGE UPDATES section for the latest information by date.

Masks are now optional in the Practice. However, if you have any cold symptoms, including a sore throat, runny nose, cough or are sneezing, we require that you wear a mask. These are available from Reception

Please see PAGE UPDATES below for full details

This page provides important information for patients attending the Practice followed by our regular Practice updates which will be added if there are any new Government Guidelines or we make any changes based on in-house risk assessments.

Please read the following information carefully before attending their appointment at the Practice.

  • Your access to the Practice itself is not affected by Pensthorpe Natural Park’s opening schedule. However, we do ask that you read Pensthorpe’s detailed information regarding safety measures when the park is closed at the end of this section.

  • Please park in the car park (there is no charge, although do allow extra time for parking during peak holiday times) and then make your way straight to/from the Practice via the normal route. You can ignore any queues for the shop or the Park itself. If you wish to visit the Park, all required pre-booking information can be found on their website by clicking HERE

  • Please arrive at the Practice at your appointed time. If you arrive late, we may need to reschedule your appointment for a later date.

  • Our Practice Co-ordinators will be behind sneeze screens

  • All our treatment rooms are cleaned thoroughly after each visit with concentrated cleaning products

  • In line with any government guidelines in force at any given time, our team may be wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) which could include any or all of the following, depending on their job role:

  • Face masks

  • Safety glasses

  • Disposable gloves

  • Disposable aprons

  • Visors

  • See ‘PAGE UPDATED’ updates below for current measures

  • For patients with compromised immune systems please call the Practice prior to making an appointment

  • Practitioners and/or our Reception Team may, on occasion ask that you wear a mask. We ask that you please respect their judgement in these matters.

  • We ask that if you or a close contact are experiencing any possible Covid symptoms, that you contact us before attending to discuss the best way to proceed

  • Please use the hand sanitiser on entering the Practice

Please note these important safety measures from Pensthorpe Natural Park for when they are closed

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  • Please check the signs at the top of the drive and on arrival in the car park, which will clearly show if the park is open or not.

  • When we are closed, we ask that you follow these simple guidelines so that we can keep both you and our small team of essential workers safe on site.


  • Please park in the first bay in the main car park – this helps our team identify how many people are on site and especially at the end of the day, whether it is safe to lock the gates.

  • If you arrive early for your appointment when the Park is closed, please remain in your car in the car park until the appointed time.

  • If you are being dropped off for your appointment, your driver is welcome to wait in the car park but please ask them to remain in the car.

  • Please do not bring other people to your appointment unnecessarily.


  • Please follow the marked pathway via the Courtyard and Exhibition Room to the Practice entrance.

  • There is no public access outside of the marked route if the park is closed - and to access other parts of the site may be unsafe for you due to ongoing works when the park is closed.

  • We politely request that you do not use the picnic tables, outside toilet block or courtyard seating when the park is closed – these are not cleaned for use during site closures. Toilets for patient use can be found in the Chiropractic building.



We would like to remind all patients that if you attend the Practice with any cold symptoms, we do require you to wear a mask and your practitioner will do the same. If you have tested positive for Covid, we ask that you call to reschedule your appointment.


As Practice Director at Creative Chiro, I have been closely following official Covid-19 data since the start of the Pandemic. This has always been an important aspect of our safety protocols.

Up until now, this has meant a strict adherence to mask wearing. However, the recent trend in the figures from the Office of National Statistics is showing a continued reduction in both infections and hospitalisations, as shown in the table below.

This coincides with an increase in the number of patients questioning compulsory mask wearing at the Practice. And, interestingly, includes patients classified in the vulnerable health categories, who now feel their immune systems are being compromised by constant mask wearing, as they are not being exposed to factors which actually help strengthen the immune response.

In light of this, we have made the decision to move to a policy of optional mask wearing at the Practice from Tuesday 27th September 2022.

The Practitioners will be more than happy to wear a mask, if you prefer. They may also, occasionally, request that you wear a mask for a particularly close contact procedure or if they feel it is appropriate for any reason. We ask that you respect their judgement in these matters.

We will retain the Reception screens, both as reassurance for those patients who continue to wear masks, and to future proof us should we need to return to more stringent measures in the future. Members of the Reception Team may, on rare occasions, request that you wear a mask. Again, we ask that you respect their judgement in these matters.

We will continue to have disposable masks available in Reception.

As always, we strive to maintain the balance between responding to the needs of our patients, while continuing to provide a safe, welcoming environment for everyone.


Masks are still required at the Practice.

Our governing bodies, The General and British Chiropractic Councils, issued a statement last week updating the Chiropractic profession about the relaxation of rules regarding the wearing of masks within a medical setting. They have advised that it is the responsibility of individual Practices to run their own in-house risk assessments to decide whether to continue with masks.

The Team at Creative Chiro have a duty of care to all our patients. We still treat people who are deemed ‘critically vulnerable’ and it is important to them that we continue to maintain our Covid measures by asking that masks be worn within the Practice. In fact, the majority of our patients have stated a preference to continue with masks as a precaution.

The other important point to consider is the protection of the Team. The Practitioners, in particular, work in very close proximity to the patients. The wearing of masks substantially reduces the risk of catching Covid in these circumstances. If the Practitioner contracts Covid, we would have to reschedule all their patients’ appointments until they were able to return to work. The last thing we want to be doing is contacting you to say your treatment cannot go ahead. The knock-on effect on the diaries would also mean that other patients would have to wait longer for treatment.

We would like nothing more than to announce the ending of this ruling. But, in recent days, the cases of Covid infection have again begun to rise. For the week ending 2nd June, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said there were ‘early signs of an increase in the percentage of people testing positive for coronavirus. It was most noticeable in England and Northern Ireland, where the positivity rate is one in every 70 people and one in every 65 people respectively’.

It appears that these rises are being driven by 2 new sub-variants of Omicron, BA.4 and BA.5. Experts are concerned that, with the relaxation in the wearing of masks across all quarters, the spread of these new variants could increase.

It is to this end that the Team at Creative Chiro have made the decision to continue with the wearing of masks in the Practice for the foreseeable future.


Following the recent government announcement regarding Covid restrictions, this update lets you know what this will mean for the Practice.

Throughout the pandemic the safety of our patients and the team has been our highest priority. Although the government is now lifting the majority of Covid restrictions, they have stressed the need to continue to exercise caution where needed, particularly in healthcare settings such as ours.

As you know, treatment here at Creative Chiro requires the patient and practitioner to be in close proximity to one another. Therefore, it is extremely important that we continue to keep safety measures in place, to minimise any risk of infection passing from patient to practitioner or vice versa.

We therefore ask that you continue to wear a mask at all times when attending your appointment, unless mask exempt. If you have any Covid symptoms, please call us to discuss whether we need to reschedule your appointment.

We particularly recognise that these are vital precautions for our vulnerable patients and know that you would all appreciate the need for us to continue to work together to keep one another safe and well.


Following the latest government announcement regarding Covid Plan B guidelines, this update clarifies what it will mean for the Practice.

As a private healthcare practice, the welfare of our patients and team is - as always - at the heart of everything we do. In order to keep everyone feeling safe and secure (including our many vulnerable patients), we will be keeping all our Covid protocols and procedures in place. This includes the wearing of masks when attending the Practice (if you are mask exempt, please continue to bring your exemption proof with you). We thank you for your co-operation.


From 16th August, the Government has stated that: ‘double-vaccinated people and those under 18 years old are no longer legally required to self-isolate following contact with someone testing positive for Covid-19. Those not fully vaccinated will still need to isolate and everyone will still have to isolate if they test positive, to protect themselves and others’.

However, we are writing to ask that you continue to inform us - prior to your appointment - if you come into contact with anyone suspected of having Covid-19. We appreciate that circumstances can vary widely in these situations, so we would therefore ask that you call us to discuss whether your appointment needs to be rescheduled in order to safeguard our patients - particularly those in the vulnerable categories - who are still at high risk.

As always, we thank you for your co-operation in keeping everyone safe and well.


Covid-19 Update - Masks are still required at the Practice.

We hope you are doing well as we approach the latest Government changes in Covid restrictions on Monday 19th July 2021. As always, your safety and wellbeing are our priority. We also know how important it has been to you that we have regularly updated you with our Covid procedures at the Practice.

Since re-opening the Practice after the first lockdown on 1st June 2020, our stringent safety measures have enabled us to remain open with no issues and to continue treating you all over the last year.

We would, therefore, like to reassure you that we will continue with these measures in order to keep both you - the patients - and our team safe and well, especially as many of our patients are classed in the vulnerable health categories. The main points to remember are:

  • Masks are still required at all times for patients and the team. If you are mask-exempt please inform us before making your appointment, so that we can accommodate you safely. Please also ensure you wear your mask exemption lanyard when attending your appointment.

  • Social distancing in Reception remains a priority. Please arrive alone for your appointment wherever possible. We are happy to accommodate anyone who needs to be accompanied, but we do require that you inform of this when making your appointment. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.

  • If you have appointments booked for more than one family member, please attend one at a time unless you are going into the treatment room(s) together.

  • Please arrive at the Practice at your appointed time. Early or late arrivals impact social distancing in Reception. If you arrive early, we may need to ask you to wait outside until your appointed time. If you arrive late, we may need to reschedule your appointment for a later date.

As always, we appreciate your co-operation in keeping everyone safe and well and helping us to ensure we remain open to treat you.


To all our patients

We politely request that you take the time to read this email before attending any appointments you have at the Practice.

Throughout the last year we have worked tirelessly to ensure that our Covid safety procedures and protocols meet the highest standards. We will, of course, continue to adhere strictly to these safety precautions, as well as reviewing and refining any rules we have in place as things progress - and hopefully improve - over the coming months.

We want to ensure that when you arrive at the Practice, your appointment can go ahead as planned. Please, therefore, comply with the latest updated requirements as outlined below:

  • Please arrive at the Practice at your appointed time. Early or late arrivals can impact social distancing in Reception. If you arrive early, we may need to ask you to wait outside until your appointed time. If you arrive late, we may need to reschedule your appointment for a later date.

  • We ask that you attend your appointment unaccompanied unless you have made a prior arrangement with us regarding this. Again this is necessary to avoid overcrowding in Reception and to ensure the safety and comfort of all patients.

  • Whilst we appreciate that many children are unable to attend school at the moment (and this can create childcare challenges) unfortunately we cannot currently accommodate children being brought along to your appointment. If this presents any issues for you, please contact the Practice ahead of your appointment to discuss how we can assist in alternative arrangements.

  • If you have appointments booked for more than one person/a family group we need each person to arrive separately in Reception at their appointed time rather than all together. Again, if this presents you with any difficulties please contact us before your appointment date to discuss how we can help.

  • Face coverings are compulsory for anyone attending the Practice in accordance with these government guidelines: Your face covering must safely cover the nose and mouth and securely fit round the side of the face. Face coverings are intended to protect others, not the wearer, against the spread of infection because they cover the nose and mouth, which are the main confirmed sources of transmission of virus that causes coronavirus infection. A face visor or shield may be worn in addition to a face covering but not instead of one. This is because face visors or shields do not adequately cover the nose and mouth.

  • If you are officially classed as ‘mask exempt’ you must make this known at the time of booking your appointment so that we can make appropriate arrangements. You must also wear your mask exemption lanyard to your appointment.


We know that you appreciate the need for us to be vigilant and would want us to be so in order to protect you - our patients - and, of course, our valued staff.. We want to be here to look after you all through these difficult times and we are very grateful for your compliance and your understanding.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or to discuss any arrangements that are needed to allow you to attend your appointments.

The purpose of this email is to keep us all safe and to solve any possible issues ahead of time, especially as we treat many clinically vulnerable patients. We will always do our very best to accommodate you if possible. 

Meanwhile, take care of yourself and one another.

With our very best wishes,

Linda and Michael.


To all our patients

Following the government announcement of a national lockdown we are writing to update you on what this will mean for the Practice.

We are authorised to remain open in line with government recommendations as we are classed as an essential health care practice. Chiropractic is listed as an essential service and your appointments with our Chiropractors, Michael and Rhiannon, will continue as normal. 

Under the new guidelines, as our Clinical Massage Therapists, Serena and Vanisha, are instructed by and work in conjunction with our registered healthcare professionals, your clinical appointments with them will also go ahead.

With respects to appointments for Reflexology and all our Therapeutic Wellbeing Treatments, we are now in the process of contacting all relevant patients as these will need to be rescheduled from 22nd February onwards. 

If you are classed in the extremely vulnerable health categories please refer to the government advice and call us at the Practice before attending any appointments:  

Although Pensthorpe Natural Park is closed at present, your access to the Practice remains unaffected. You may continue to park in the usual place and please proceed directly to the Practice via the normal route.

 In the meantime we send our warmest wishes to you all.

 Keep safe and well. 

 Linda and Michael 


To all our patients -

We hope you were able to celebrate Christmas as best as possible in these continuing challenging times.

We are writing to update you following the latest government announcement regarding the Tier System in this area.

We remain open (see opening hours below) and continue to provide all Chiropractic appointments with Michael and Rhiannon and Clinical Massage treatments with Serena and Vanisha, in line with government advice and our own governing bodies’ protocols for essential services in Tier 4 areas. You should attend your appointments for these treatments as planned.

We will not, however, be offering our Wellbeing treatments or Reflexology at this time. We will be in touch with any patients whose appointments for these treatments need to be rescheduled.

Our opening hours over the rest of the festive period are as follows:

Sunday 27th December - CLOSED

Monday 28th December - CLOSED

Tuesday 29th December - 8.30am - 6pm

Wednesday 30th December - 8.30am - 6pm

New Year’s Eve - 8.30am - 1.00pm

New Year’s Day - CLOSED

Saturday 2nd January - CLOSED

Sunday 3rd January - CLOSED

Monday 4th January - 8.30am - 6pm

Normal working hours will be resumed from Monday 4th January 2021.

Pensthorpe Natural Park is now closed. For more details click HERE.

Please note: Our patients’ access to the Practice is not affected by Pensthorpe’s opening schedule.

If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment, please call us on 01328 854325 or email us at

In the meantime, we send you and your families our warmest wishes,


Linda and Michael 


To all our patients -

We hope you are keeping safe and well.

With lockdown ending in England on Wednesday 2nd December 2020, we are writing to update you on what this will mean for the Practice going forward. This includes some important information relating to Pensthorpe Natural Park.

From Wednesday 2nd December 2020 we will once again be able to offer Reflexology and our full range of Wellbeing services including Therapeutic Massage, our exclusive Neal’s Yard Treatments and Facials.

Moreover, as we have been unable to offer our Wellbeing Treatments over the last month, we have extended our very popular ‘Pick Me Up’ and ‘Calm Me Down’ Wellbeing offers until Saturday 30th January 2021. If you have not already booked one of these lovely treatments, you can view all the details on our Offers Page with the option to purchase these treatments in voucher form from our new online shop, for yourself or as a treat for someone special.

Pensthorpe Natural Park re-opens on Wednesday 2nd December and Hootz House indoor play re-opens on Friday 4th December. Please be aware that there is limited access to some areas of the Park. If you are planning a visit, please view their website for more details by clicking HERE.

In the meantime, if you have any questions or would like to book an appointment, please call us on 01328 854325 or email us at

As always, we look forward to seeing you in the Practice soon.

With our warmest wishes to you all.


Linda and Michael 


To all our patients

Following on from our email to you on 1st November, we now have clarification from our Governing bodies and Associations regarding which treatments we are able to continue with during this lockdown in England (from 5th November 2020 to 2nd December 2020).

The Practice is, as expected, authorised to remain open. In line with the Government recommendations and as a primary health care provider, Chiropractic is listed as an essential service and your appointments with our Chiropractors (Michael and Rhiannon) will go ahead as normal. 

Additional guidance also states that primary healthcare providers can continue with medical or healthcare services in a private clinic. As our Clinical Massage Therapists (Serena and Vanisha) fall into this category (and they work alongside and in conjunction with our registered Healthcare Professionals), your appointments with them will also go ahead as normal.

There is no need to contact the Practice to confirm these appointments; all patients will receive their normal courtesy reminder, by their usual preferred means, a few days before their appointment date.

With respects to appointments for Reflexology and Wellbeing, we are now in the process of contacting all relevant patients as under the guidelines, these will need to be rescheduled from 3rd December onwards. 

Our stringent safety measures allow us to continue treating those patients who are classed in the vulnerable health categories. If you have any questions regarding underlying health issues please contact us at the Practice (in the first instance by email if at all possible).  We also ask all patients to familiarise themselves with our Covid-19 Update Page before attending their appointments. For a direct link click HERE.

Although Pensthorpe Natural Park is closed at present, your access to the Practice remains unaffected. You may continue to park in the usual place and please proceed directly to the Practice via the normal route.

 Once again, thank you for your patience whilst we have been awaiting clarification and, as always, we look forward to seeing you again at the Practice soon.

 With our warmest wishes to you all

 Keep safe and well. 

 Linda and Michael 


To all our patients

Following yesterday's Government announcement regarding a second national lockdown from Thursday 5th November, we are writing to update you on what this will mean for the Practice during the month ahead.

We are confident that the Practice will be authorised to remain open and continue to offer our medical services in line with the Government’s advice for people to attend their medical appointments. 

We were not, in fact, compelled to close during the first lockdown. However, given how little anyone knew about the Covid-19 virus at that point and the lack of available PPE, we took the precautionary measure of closing. This also gave us time to put our extensive safety measures in place and ensure the team were fully trained in the new procedures and protocols

We expect to receive all the relevant information from our Governing Bodies and Associations within the next 48 hours, following which, we will immediately send out a further email to clarify which specific treatments we can continue to provide and contact any patients whose appointments may need to be rescheduled after 2nd December.

In the meantime, for those of you who have appointments at the Practice on Monday 2nd November, Tuesday 3rd November and Wednesday 4th November we look forward to seeing you as normal.

Thank you for your patience and please be assured that we will be in touch again very soon.

With our warmest wishes to you all

 Linda and Michael


Following the latest Government announcement regarding the introduction of the 3 tier system of local COVID alert levels, we are writing to update you on procedures and protocols at the Practice.

As our postcode region is in the lowest tier (medium risk) the Government guidelines state that businesses and venues can continue to operate in a COVID-secure manner.

We are open as normal for all appointments and will, of course, continue to adhere to our stringent safety procedures and protocols. Patient’s access to the Practice is not affected by the opening schedule of Pensthorpe Natural Park.

The NHS Covid-19 check-in facility is available in Reception for any patients who have the Track & Trace app and wish to use it for their own records. We have full details for everyone attending the Practice in accordance with Government requirements.

We will naturally keep you updated if there are any changes in the future which affect the Practice.

For full details of all our safety procedures and protocols please visit our Update Page HERE

For more information on Track & Trace visit the NHS Covid-19 page HERE


Following the latest update in Government guidelines, we can confirm that we are able to offer all treatments as normal. We will be following the same strict safety procedures and protocols that we have had in place since re-opening after lockdown (see above). We very much appreciate your co-operation in keeping everyone safe.

You can book appointments for:


Following today’s Government announcement regarding a delay in the easing of lockdown, we will not now be able to offer any Facial Treatments from 1st August as planned.

We will contact all patients who have a Facial Treatment booked with us.

You can, of course, call the Practice on 01328 854325 or email us at if you have any questions regarding this.

We will keep you updated as to when these appointments will be available.


Following the latest update in the Government guidelines we are delighted to be able to extend the treatment options available to you at the Practice.

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Throughout the re-opening process we have always felt it really important to keep you fully updated and answer all your questions about the new processes that are in place at the Practice. We want to ensure that you feel safe and cared for and able to book your appointments in confidence. So, we thought it would be helpful for Serena to share with you some of the questions most frequently asked by her massage patients:

What extra cleaning procedures are in place?

We guarantee that before and after every appointment, the treatment couches and all other surfaces are thoroughly sanitised with concentrated cleaning products! We have adjusted appointment times to allow extra time between patients for this purpose. On this note, be sure to double check your appointment time as it may not fall exactly on the hour or half hour as before. You still receive your allocated personal treatment time, of course.

Can I bring my belongings into the treatment room?

Although we ask you to bring as little as possible with you, you may place your belongings in a designated area in the room. However, all surfaces are sanitised thoroughly between each treatment.

What coverings will be used when having my Massage treatment?

Instead of the usual couch set up of toweling covers with disposable couch roll on top for you to lie on, we will be using the disposable couch roll on its own. Your Massage therapist will discuss your preference in terms of covers for you. If you feel more comfortable being covered with a towel, that is absolutely fine. Each towel is only used once and then washed at a minimum of 60 degrees.

Is it hard to breathe being face down with the mask on during massage?

This is one of the most common questions! Having tried this for ourselves as well as asking patients for their feedback, we can reassure you that no one has had any difficulties. This is helped by the fact that - in line with our safety protocols - we are not using toweling covers on the couches, so the head hole is actually much bigger.

Can you feel the gloves during the massage?

Again, a really common question.  From experience and feedback from our patients, it may come as a surprise that the gloves are not felt and the massage feels no different. We can still feel all those knots and tight muscles and can work normally. 

6) And finally…

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I love this question! Even though we are all kitted out to protect you and ourselves, underneath it all we will still be greeting you with our normal happy faces as you can see from this photo of Vanisha and me in our full PPE.

You can read all of our Coronavirus procedures and protocols on our website by clicking HERE

If you would like to book an appointment or have any questions please call us on 01328 854325 or email us at

As always, we look forward to seeing you at the Practice.

With our warmest wishes,

Linda and Michael


Having been open again for over a week now, we wanted to let you know how it’s going and what our patients have had to say . . .

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The first few days…

After weeks of preparation behind the scenes, the sneeze screens were up, the sanitiser was stocked, the cleaning products were at the ready and the team had been trained in all of the new safety procedures. The face masks, visors, gloves and aprons were donned and everyone was eager to greet our first patients for many weeks. It was a joy to see their faces (albeit behind masks) and seeing their joy at finally getting some relief from pain in a safe environment made it all worthwhile, as this quote from one of our long-standing patients illustrates:

“So pleased to be one of the first to go back to Creative Chiro - as you would expect, their systems, procedures and superb treatment was 100% spot on. So happy to be back to normal (well nearly 😉) thank you Michael and Linda” - Kevin Abbs

Getting back into the swing of things…

We put processes in place to manage the initial influx of requests for appointments and to contact patients who already had appointments booked for the first couple of weeks of June (tweaking times on occasions to fit in with the new protocols for limiting patient numbers in the Practice at any one time). This all went remarkably smoothly thanks to the sterling efforts of all the team. Within a few days we were able to switch the incoming phone system back on and resume ‘full office mode’. Thank you to everyone who contacted us during this time for bearing with the temporary system. We will continue to contact patients to confirm upcoming appointments that were booked prior to the closure. We will also be contacting patients who had appointments booked for the dates when we were temporarily closed to get you booked in again. However if you need treatment now, don’t hesitate to call, we have worked hard to organise the diaries in such a way that we are confident of being able to treat you as and when you need it.

treatment with full PPE

“Glad to be able to obtain some much needed treatment today! Very pleasantly surprised at the professionalism & serious approach all staff have taken given current circumstances, most reassuring, although expected given their usual high standards towards patients welfare! Thank you. Creative Chiro” - Roger Palmer

But surely it can’t have all gone as smoothly as that…?

Well, there was one incident which - as a ‘visual’ - brought one of the funniest moments since re-opening... Whilst we were planning our safety measures and new protocols prior to re-opening, the very serious discussions gave way occasionally to humorous ideas such as having a ‘car-wash’ type system installed at the door to scrub people down as they entered. That one never made it to fruition! But a few days after re-opening one of the team went to pick up a parcel of office supplies from the entrance to the park. On their way back with the bulky package they came through a gate only to be hit full-on by the park’s sprinkler system! As they squelched back into Reception, drenched, bedraggled, with a steamed-up face visor and clutching a soggy parcel we thought for one priceless moment that Pensthorpe had pinched our ‘car-wash’ idea!!!

So, what next…?

We have been really touched by the thanks and appreciation shown by all the patients who have come for treatment so far. It has been immensely gratifying to see that the efforts we have made to ensure your safety and wellbeing have been well received and that you feel so confident to visit the Practice. As we start the process of emerging from lock-down we fully understand that everyone needs to move at a speed that feels right for them. Our priority is to ensure that our patients and our team all feel safe and cared for throughout this transition. We will continue to monitor the wider situation and adapt our practices accordingly.

If you would like to book an appointment or have any questions please call us on 01328 854325 or email us at We look forward to welcoming you back to the Practice soon.

PAGE UPDATED: Thursday 28th May 2020


Re-opening safely is our first priority. Here’s how we will do it…

The steps we are taking to ensure health and safety

Keeping everyone healthy and safe has always been of paramount importance to us and never more so than now. With this in mind, we have developed the following additional protocols to be followed until we are assured it is safe to go back to what we used to call ‘normal’. These protocols may change and develop at short notice in line with government bodies’ advice and updated guidelines.

Please ensure that you read this document carefully. We will still welcome you with a big smile as we will be delighted to see you back but I’m afraid no handshakes or hugs just yet!

How we are keeping you safe:

  • At present, Pensthorpe Natural Park is closed, so please park in the usual place and then make your way straight to/from the Practice via the normal route.

  • On arrival at the Practice you will be required to complete a ‘patient declaration form’ (this will only need to be completed once; you are required to inform us of any changes that occur following the original completion)

  • Please be on time for your appointment – no earlier or later - as this will help us manage the social distancing requirements

  • On that topic, we will adhere to the social distancing policy in the reception area and we ask that you make every effort to be at least 2 metres away from other people where possible

  • We politely request that you do not bring anyone else with you to the appointment unless absolutely necessary. Of course, all patients under 16 years old will need to be accompanied by one adult

  • Our Practice Co-ordinators will be behind sneeze screens

  • Our reception will temporarily look bare without magazines or any of our Neal’s Yard products.

  • The contact areas of our treatment rooms and reception area will be cleaned thoroughly after each visit with concentrated cleaning products

  • All our team will be wearing Personal Protection Equipment which will include all or some of the following depending on their job role:

  • Face masks

  • Safety glasses

  • Disposable gloves

  • Disposable aprons

  • Visors

How we are keeping us safe:

  • As indicated above, we are asking all patients to complete a patient declaration form on arrival at the Practice

  • We require all patients to wear a face mask or a face covering when attending for an appointment (if you arrive without either, we will provide you with a single use mask; we are sure you understand there will be a small charge of £1.50 for this)

  • We will not treat patients who have compromised immune systems

  • We will not be able to treat anyone who has experienced any of the COVID-19 symptoms within 14 days prior to treatment or who has had contact in the last 14 days with anyone experiencing symptoms related to COVID-19

  • We will ensure our patients use the hand sanitiser on entering the Practice

  • As specified above, we ask our patients not to bring in additional companions unless absolutely necessary

  • We are limiting the number of patients being treated

We hope that you understand the need for these measures and will work in partnership with us. Adhering to the new protocols will help us to ensure that everyone remains safe and well.

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PAGE UPDATED: Thursday 21st May 2020

As always, we hope that you - our patients - remain safe and well and are coping as best you can during these challenging and changing times.

When we last contacted you, we told you that we were readying ourselves and putting things in place (particularly procedures, protocols and Personal Protective Equipment) to enable us to re-open.

We are delighted to inform you that we are now actively planning to welcome patients back into the Practice from Monday 1st June.

We have given a great deal of thought as to how to manage this safely, effectively, efficiently and fairly. As we are not currently taking incoming phone calls or voicemails, we request that if you would like to book a chiropractic or/and clinical massage appointment* you e-mail us at clearly stating:

• Your full name

• The name of the practitioner(s) you want to see

• Your preferred contact telephone number

We will then telephone you to book in your appointment (we will also give you clear information about your visit to the Practice and how we will ensure your own safety and that of our team members).

Appointments will be scheduled on a ‘first come, first served’ basis so the sooner you email, the sooner we will be able to see you!

Please note: if you already have a chiropractic or massage appointment booked with us on or after 1st June, we will telephone you to confirm the arrangements for that appointment (we might need to slightly tweak timings in order to accommodate the current increased health and safety measures).

We are very much looking forward to opening our doors again – whether it be for ‘routine’ appointments, ‘emergency’ appointments or, indeed, to welcome new patients to the Practice. We will greet you with a very big smile (but no hugs or handshakes just yet)!

With our warmest wishes to you all and assuring you of our commitment to your safety and your health.

Michael and Linda

* Reflexology falls within the category of ‘personal care’ and, as such, will not be available until 4th July at the earliest; we will be in touch when we are able to offer reflexology appointments.

Creative Chiro Wellbeing treatments also fall into this category and are therefore not available at the Practice at this current time. We will update all patients when these treatments do become available to book. To see which treatments this includes please click HERE

If you are unsure whether the treatment you require is available yet at the Practice, please contact us and we will be very happy to advise you.

PAGE UPDATED: Monday 11th May 2020

We hope that you, our patients, remain safe and well and are coping as best you can at this challenging time; you have been very much in our thoughts and plans.

We promised that we would keep in touch with you, particularly in relation to the re-opening of the Practice.  We are pleased to say that we are currently readying ourselves and putting things in place to enable us to re-open in what we very much hope will be the near future.  

These preparations include:

  • The production of comprehensive procedures and protocols designed to ensure a consistent approach to the safety of both our patients and our team (in line with all relevant advice and guidelines)

  • The purchase of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 

Once we have progressed these plans to the stage of being able to schedule in appointments, we will be in touch again; this will hopefully be very soon!  In the meantime, we ask that if you wish to communicate with us please do so by email to:


We are very much looking forward to opening our doors to you again!

With our warmest wishes to you all. 

 Michael and Linda

PAGE UPDATED: Saturday 18th April 2020

Following the recent Government announcement, we can confirm that the Practice will remain closed in line with the extension of the current lock-down.

We hope that you, our patients remain well and are coping as best you can with this difficult situation. To any of you who may have been affected by the virus we extend our heartfelt good wishes to you and your loved ones.

We can confirm that all members of the Creative Chiro team are well and we thank all of you who have been in touch with your messages of support.

We would like to reassure you all that we expect to re-open the Practice as normal when it is safe and appropriate to do so, but in the meantime we will continue to keep in touch with you through regular posts and updates on our social media pages, particularly our Creative Chiro Facebook page.

We are also publishing articles on our website covering a wide range of topics including some which we hope will be of real help to our patients in coping with the current situation. If you don’t already receive our Sunday Read emails with our new articles you can subscribe below.

You can also visit our Article Page by clicking HERE

And remember, if you need to contact us you can still do so by email -

Emails will continue to be monitored regularly throughout this temporary closure period.

Meanwhile take care of yourselves and each other,

With our warmest wishes to you all

Michael and Linda

PAGE UPDATED: Wednesday 25th March 2020

In light of the latest Government announcement, the Practice is now temporarily closed.

You do not need to contact the Practice to cancel your appointments.

We will of course let you all know when we are in a position to re-open the Practice and resume everything as normal, including our courtesy appointment reminders.

If you would like to contact us please email the Practice at Our emails will be monitored regularly throughout the closure period (please note - there will be no facility to leave phone messages on our answer machine).

We will also keep in touch with you all via social media and email.

This is an opportune time for us to take a moment and say how much we appreciate the unswerving dedication of our team and to thank them for their positive ‘can do’ attitude throughout this difficult period. From the Practitioners who work so hard, using their many skills to help and support our patients and relieve them of pain, to the Practice Co-ordinators who keep everything running like clockwork whilst ensuring everyone is given a warm, friendly welcome and treated with kindness and respect.

And of course to you, our wonderful patients, a huge thank you to you all. Whilst none of us know when life will be able to return to normal, we look forward to that welcome time when we see you all again at the Practice.

Meanwhile stay safe, stay well, stay in touch.

With our warmest wishes to you all

Michael and Linda

Additional Information

We would also like to reassure patients with gift vouchers or birthday vouchers which are due to expire between now and May 31st 2020,we will extend these for a further six months free of charge. Should the closure extend further than this date we will extend all vouchers as necessary.

We will continue to follow updates and protocols from the Government, our governing Body, The British Chiropractic Association, Local Departments of Public Health and the World Health Organisation (WHO) and we will of course keep this website page updated accordingly.