Competition Terms and Conditions
Chiropractic Awareness Week competition 2023
1. This quiz competition is only open to individuals resident in the UK aged 18 or over, excluding employees of Creative Chiro and their immediate families and any individual professionally connected with the promotion.
2. The prize will be in the form of a voucher, valid for 12 months from the date of issue. The voucher is not transferable and can be used for any treatments offered at the Practice.
3. Entries must be received before the stated closing date and time.
4. Entrants are deemed to have read and to have accepted these terms and conditions. Incomplete or late entries will be disqualified.
5. Entry is free of charge, and no purchase is necessary however, internet access is required, which is the responsibility of the entrant. The Promoter is not responsible for any general failure of the internet. To minimise the risk of loss of access to the internet, prospective entrants are advised to submit their entry in reasonable time before the closing date.
6. Only one entry per person is allowed.
7. There is only either one or the stated number of prizes.
8. The winner will be selected randomly, selection will be conducted shortly after the closing date, from all valid entries received by the closing date. The odds of winning the prize depend upon the number of valid entries received before the closing date.
9. The winners will be announced within 7 days of the draw. It is the individual’s responsibility to check to see if they have won. If the original winner(s) do not respond within 3 days of notification, or if they are unable or unwilling for whatever reason to accept the prize, or are disqualified by failing to adhere to these terms, the prize may be awarded to another eligible entrant. Any winner may need to provide proof of their identity and age in such form as the Promoter may require.
10. A cash alternative is not available, and no compensation will be payable if a winner unable or unwilling for whatever reason to accept the prize.
11. By entering, a winner agrees (to the extent permitted by law) that if they win they will participate in any reasonable publicity arranged by the Promoter or its agents.
12. The decisions of the Promoter are final and binding on all entrants in all matters relating to this competition. No correspondence will be entered into.
13. Neither the Promoter nor its agents accept any responsibility for any loss or damage suffered as a consequence of a winner having accepted the prize.
14. If for any reason (including viral infection, or unauthorised entry, or tampering with data), and at any time, the website or the Facebook page is not capable of properly fairly and accurately accepting entries to the draw the Promoter may, at its sole discretion, cancel or modify or suspend the draw and/or the terms and conditions of entry to the draw. In such a case a winner may be selected from eligible entries received prior to the time at which the website or Facebook page ceased to operate.
15. The Promoter shall not (to the fullest extent permitted by law) be responsible or liable for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer online systems, servers, or providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any email or entry to be received by the Promoter on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any website, or any combination thereof, including any injury or damage to the entrant’s or any other person’s computer (hardware or software) related to or resulting from participation or downloading any materials in this sales promotion.
16. The Promoter reserves the right at its sole discretion to disqualify any person it finds to be tampering or to have tampered with the operation of the promotion or the website, or to be acting in violation of these terms and conditions.
17. To the fullest extent permitted by law neither the Promoter nor any of its affiliates officers employees contractors or agents shall be responsible for any damage loss injury or disappointment of any nature and however arising (except death or personal injury) which may be suffered by any person in connection with their entry or failure to enter, or the draw, or acceptance of the Prize, or otherwise arising from or in connection with this sales promotion.
18. Each entrant agrees that if they win the draw they will keep confidential any knowledge about the Promoter, its business and affairs or about its personnel agents and advisers which they may receive as a result of entering into the draw and/or winning the prize.
19. The Promoter’s registered office is at Creative Chiro, Pensthorpe Natural Park, Fakenham, Norfolk, NR21 0LN
20. For Facebook competitions, Facebook is not a promoter, sponsor, endorser, or administrator.
21. Information provided to the Promoter’s will not be provided to any other person. The Promoter will not disclose personal data to any third party unless required to do so by law, and agrees to adhere to its privacy policy as set out in its website.
22. The terms and conditions of this competition are governed by the laws of England and Wales and any dispute arising in respect of these terms and conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.