Michael I'anson chiropractor at Creative Chiro in blue striped shirt

Meet Michael


Practice Director and Senior Chiropractor

My interest in chiropractic began after I suffered a severe and painful injury to my neck. I visited a local Chiropractor who conducted a thorough examination and a series of tests, which identified the underlying cause of my problem. Several treatments later I was pain free. I was hooked and knew I had to find out more!  

I discovered that it would take five years of hard work as a full-time degree student to achieve my goal of becoming a Chiropractor. I was confident that I would be able to apply the science and precision I had needed as a Quality Engineer in the jet engine industry to the world of chiropractic. The human body is, after all, a remarkable feat of engineering!

I was successful in my endeavours and graduated with a Masters in Chiropractic (MChiro) in 2002 following a year spent gaining practical experience in a clinical setting.

My 20 plus years within the chiropractic profession has provided such a depth and breadth of experience, allowing me to successfully understand and treat a diverse range of patients, across a wide variety of professions and lifestyles. From the very young up to my oldest patient to date, who is well into their nineties, each patient presents with their individual and unique set of symptoms and situations.  

My particular area of expertise is in identifying the underlying causes of a patient’s issues in order to maximise, not only the short term but – importantly - the long-term benefits of their treatment. Building a complete picture of the ways in which a patient uses their body, along with other influences within their lifestyle such as nutrition, occupation and social activities, provides me the insights I need to work with them on their recovery and to realise their goals.

I have always had a passion for learning and an interest in research, both for my own continuing professional development and to ensure that we offer up-to-date advice and guidance to our patients. You may like to visit our Articles Page where you can find articles I have written on subjects such as vitamin D, mental health, breathing techniques and neuroplasticity.

Ultimately, my dream was realised in 2007 when, along with my wife Linda, we opened the doors of Creative Chiro.  Over the years we have seen it grow and develop into a multi-award-winning Practice with a renowned reputation. During that time, I have particularly enjoyed training and mentoring our team of dedicated Practitioners and, together with these skilled health professionals, we are committed to providing the very best in patient care.